Openwatt News and Updates

  1. Good news, our online shop is now open. You can finally order a dongle and subscribe to an OpenWatt plan. To the shop

  2. "Photovoltaïque: un boîtier pour enregistrer vos décrochages, voici tout ce qu'il faut savoir." — Sudinfo has published an article about OpenWatt/Beprosumer.OpenWatt on Sudinfo

  3. We have recently published several important documents. Conditions of Use, Conditions of Sale an Data Protection Policy. Please take a moment to review these documents to understand your rights and responsibilities while using our services. Conditions of Use
    Conditions of Sale
    Data Protection Policy

  4. Meet us on May 24th, 25th, and 26th at SOLARXPO in
    Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium. Solar Xpo